The big upgrade….

Well i’ve decided to update my router for home use…. i was using using a Ubiquiti Networks Edgerouter Lite-3 which worked great – but since I updated my upload/download speeds to 2Ggig/2Gig internet, I wanted to get the full throughput into my house. The lite-3 was only limited to 1gig up and down…. this is what I ended up with:

  • Dell Dell T7810 server with Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v3 @ 2.50GHzCurrent: 2500 MHz, Max: 2501 MHz 24 CPUs: 1 package(s) x 12 core(s) x 2 hardware threads
  • 2x 2port 40gig cards. (used for unraid and proxmox server) Mellanox MCX354A-FCBT ConnectX-3 FDR Infiniband + 40GigE Adapter
  • 1x 4port 10gig sfp+ card. (used gamepc,home desktop,1gig mikrotik 1gig swich with sfp+)
  • 1x 2port 2.5 gig (used for wan/lan)
  • 1gig port for guest wireless network (built in motherboard)

This is all running on PFSense, it did take a while (2 to 3 months) to get everything configured, but it’s stable for now.

Using Iperf server on the pfsense box… i’m able to get close to 40gig “theoretical” from my unraid and proxmox servers. I haven’t seen any performance problems with the router at this point.

I’m currently running 2 wireless mesh networks, an Eero 6E and Tplink-AC, and 1 wireless-6 guest network. All 3 are just access points connected to the router.

Above is the final setup.. minus cable mess… i added a plexiglass pad to the carpeted area to be able to move the server rack…Top: Dell t7810 is my router,middle: Dell t7810 proxmox server, bottom 2 is part of my unraid nas – using a consumer motherboard/cpu/ram.

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