Rog Ally 2tb mod.

After much research, i decided on the Rog Ally Z1 (non extreme). A lot of other handhelds where in the running, but most where out of my price range or not “local” to our region. Everybody seems to hate the low powered Z1, but it kind of fit what i wanted to do with it. Emulation with ps3 and switch appears to be in reach on the far end of the spectrum, but space is kind of needed now. The things i need… Rog, nvme adapter, 2tb ssd, and heat sink. The purpose of this mod was to have more space (default 512gb) and protection to the new SSD (gets hot in there).

Taking apart the Rog was relatively easy, just finding the right tool was the hardest.. making sure i don’t strip any “heads”. Below is the picture of it taken apart and 512gb ssd removed and be quiet mc1 heatsink. For the 2tb nvme, I went pcie4 and WD Black sn770. I chose that drive due to thermal properties (it won’t get too hot). It’s kind of middle ground speeds of PCIE4 Nvme’s. I could have probably used a PCie3 nvme – without a heat sink, to help with the heat problem, but i decided to go with the mc1 addition.

I purchased the nvme adapter which basically converts the ssd in to a right angle. The old 512gb nvme was beside the left fan (on the right hand side).

After everything was installed, i did have to modify the case a bit – basically a little cutting of the back of the case to make sure it would close. Nothing too serious. Since the mod is done, I’ve noticed my SSD temps are 34c @ idle – using crystaldisk – though i didn’t know what it was before. More testing during actual load is needed. I like the “DO NOT DISASSEMBLE Stephanie” sticker 😉

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